Sail River Longhouse Apartments : Bringing Makah Families Home

Neah Bay, a rugged place located on the northwestern-most tip of the Olympic Peninsula surrounded by lush forests and the pounding Pacific, is the home of the Makah Indian Tribe. The tribe’s name for themselves translates to “people who live by the rocks and the seagulls,” though the name Makah was given by neighboring tribes and means “generous with food.”

Terry Home & PROVAIL : Helping young survivors of traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often a devastating diagnosis for both patients and their families. Adding youth to a TBI diagnosis and the multitude of worries grows — particularly when it comes to short- and long-term care. For TBI survivors under age 45, with the possibility of self-sufficiency with supervision, options are limited to nursing homes, which are generally designed for older populations.